Philipp Hudson and Edgar Enuta talking about the Zühlke Diversity Champions Committee’s activities and providing some insight into its plans for the future too.

我们一生中大部分时间都花在工作上, so it goes without saying that we’d want to do it in an environment that is accepting of who we are.
A workplace culture is made of the sum total of everything from the company values and formal policies to the small talk before meetings, 它对我们的舒适程度起着重要作用. 对于许多, 被同事接受和理解是理所当然的, 但对于那些来自少数族裔或代表性不足的背景, 事情并不总是那么简单. That’s why we consciously focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (一些在我们的业务中采取行动. 我们希望建立包容的团队,欢迎所有人.

One of the factors we consider as a part of our 一些 focus is the experience of our LGBTQ+ employees. 成立于2021年, our 石墙 Diversity Champions Committee actively work to spread awareness and make changes around issues that impact this community. 我们最近采访了其中两位成员, Phil Hudson (Principal Consultant and People Lead) and Edgar Enuta (Software Engineer), to talk about the Committee’s activities right now and get some insight into its plans for the future too.


Phil explained that the formation of the Committee was catalysed after he and some other Zühlkees noticed an increase in discussions around individuals' identity during the 2020 pandemic. 因为人们的个人生活和职业生活重叠了, talking about topics like gender and sexuality was increasingly normalised – and he and his colleagues wanted to keep this positive momentum going. 同时, we at Zühlke had also committed to making the workplace more inclusive generally, so it was the ideal moment to put a formal group in place for the LGBTQ+ community.

委员会是在下列机构的伙伴关系下成立的 石墙 世界上最大的女同性恋组织之一, 同性恋, bi, 反式, 酷儿, 质疑和对待(LGBTQ+)人群. 在过去的30年里, 他们帮助英国创造了革命性的变化, 他们与雇主的合作是其中很重要的一部分. Phil was a founding member of the Committee and now focuses mostly on writing blog posts and raising awareness. 埃德加是最近才十大正规博彩网站评级这个团队和公司的. He became involved after receiving an email call for volunteers and now works on internal communication, developing a calendar of events and content to have topical conversations at relevant times of the year.

“There’s already a general feeling our culture here is very human and people-oriented – we want to make sure LGBTQ+ people feel that way too,"


当被问及这是如何更具体地表现出来的, 他和菲尔分享了午餐话题谈话的例子, as well as mini-seminars around micro-aggressions and discrimination, sharing experiences with an audience of allies and LGBTQ+ individuals. Edgar also went on to mention a current project advising on updating the corporate policies to be more inclusive, removing any gendered language and assumptions that had been unintentionally included in the existing wording.


One of the significant focuses for the Diversity Champions Committee is its work with 石墙 on raising Zühlke’s ranking in the annual 工作场所平等指数. 作为这项计划的一部分, 参与的雇主根据八个政策领域进行评估, 通过匿名调查验证. This enables participants to establish how they compare to others in their sector or region, 并找出需要改进的地方. 重要的是, 石墙 works closely with Diversity Champions within the organisations to implement this positive change in a meaningful way.

当被问及与“石墙”合作的价值时, 菲尔指出了公司政策和P&C实践对人们与雇主的经历有影响. “这些不是你每天都在想的事情, 但是当你和他们打交道的时候, 通常是为了重要的事情,他说. Edgar also emphasised the value in working with a third party on this.

“There are aspects we may never consider because we as individuals on this team haven’t experienced them,他解释道.

Phil added to this with a few initiatives that the Committee was now considering in the future thanks to the work with 石墙, 包括全公司的LGBTQ+政策, z hlke集团正式的LGBTQ+网络, 以及对跨性别员工的特殊支持.


回顾委员会迄今所产生的影响, 菲尔首先指出了其他人的一些积极反馈. “我们有盟友站出来支持我们正在做的事情, and it feels like the environment is definitely more inclusive now,他说. Both Phil and Edgar were clear that this is only the beginning, however. Our performance as a company in the 石墙 ranking still needs an ongoing focus, 但上升趋势令人振奋.

说到未来更一般的目标, Edgar described how he wanted to ensure Zühlke is seen as a safe space outside the business too. He shared his own experience of onboarding and how the welcoming culture he felt once he’d joined wasn’t necessarily something he would have known of at the outset. 菲尔也在此基础上提出了他的最后一个想法.

“I want us to reach a point where people can go through the whole journey with Zühlke and know that they’re supported in being the person they are every step of the way,他总结道。.



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